Monday, November 23, 2009

"Something must be going around"

Why is it that whenever flu season hits people decide to celebrate by going to dinner or out for drinks? The other night at work 75 percent of every customer was coughing, sneezing and looked like complete dog crap. No joke, I even had a 6 top of all middle aged women who I am pretty sure only came out because they were all sick and wanted to talk about it seeing as how that was the topic of discussion the entire duration of their stay (probably college professors bc the tip sucked). I don't get it, then it's these same people who say things like "well everyone's got it"-yeah no shit, because people like them decided to hit the streets like it's St. Patrick's day. I know I work in a setting where I'm around a lot of people but I also know that when I'm sick I take care of myself and stay home and oh I don't know what the kids are calling it these days "get better." It's ridiculous. Some of us have families we go home to at night with little kids that shouldn't get sick but ultimately do because drinking at bars and going out to dinner is more important than not spreading your shitty cold.

Do yourself a favor along with everyone who works in this industry-stay home, take some vitamins, drink some water or tea and go to sleep, your birthday margarita or over cooked strip steak will still be waiting for you when your all better.


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